Los Angeles, California
Youth Shelters:
Los Angeles Youth Network
1853 Taft Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: (323) 240-2253
Emergency Shelter for youth ages 12-17 years old. If you qualify, you can enter the shelter that day. If not, we will point you to other options. Within 72 hours of entry into a shelter, a parent, guardian, or Child Protective Services (CPS) worker must consent to your staying in the program. Also, offers a Transitional Living Program (TLP).
Good Seed
2814 W. Martin Luther King Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9008
Phone: (323) 758-5433
Transitional Housing Program provides comprehensive services for homeless youth ages 18-25, who are diagnosed as SED/SPMI. Youth receive counseling, independent living skills training, and employment services. Length of stay ranges from 3-18 months. Enhanced Emergency Tay Shelter provide temporary shelter for Transition Aged Youth (“TAY”) clients in a supportive housing environment for up to 36 nights.
Ella’s Foundation Youth Emergency Housing
3006 S. Vermont Ave. #113, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: (323) 761-6415
Provides 18-24 years old with emergency housing services with 24/7 staff available to help individuals with mental health challenges, housing, physical health treatment, transportation, and other needs to help them function independently in their community.
Hope for Homeless Youth
5020 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. 90037
Phone: (818) 441-3303
Provides mentors to them as they get back into society while holding a job, going to school or attending some sort of vocational training.
Sanctuary of Hope
Call for Address
Phone: (323) 786-2413
Serves the Transition Age Youth (TAY), ages 16-25, who have diverse histories of foster care, homelessness, and being at-risk. Provides life coaching, mentoring, independent living, college access and retention, emergency services, and financial assistance. Offers and Independent Living Program (ILP) called Hope House.
Night Life
Phone: (310) 450-4050
Night Light's goal is to reach out to these homeless young individuals (ages 18-24) and link them with interim and permanent housing and a broad range of services.
Daniel’s Village
2624 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica
Phone: (310) 394-6889
This 8 permanent supportive home units of Daniel’s Village are specifically designed for young adults experiencing homelessness and the initial symptoms of mental health issues.
Covenant House California
1325 N. Western Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone: (323) 461-3131
Serves youth 18-21 years old with crisis shelter and transitional living program. Additionally, provides youth with food, shelter, clothing, counseling, medical care, legal assistance, job training, and educational resources.
Emergency Shelters:
Friends Helping Friends
3701 Cherrywood Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018
Phone: (323) 293-9778
Offer 2 transitional homes that accept female and males over the age of 18 and are homeless. Accepts individuals with mental and physical disabilities, veterans, HIV positive individuals, and LGBT community.
Midnight Mission
601 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, California 90014
Phone: (213) 624-9258
Provides clients with safe, quiet and controlled environment, air conditioning and heating, clean accessible restrooms, and onsite managing security personnel.
Ascencia Emergency Shelter
1851 Tyburn Street, Glendale, CA 91204
Phone: (818) 246- 7900
Forty emergency shelter beds are located onsite and are available to eligible families with children and adults for up to 60-90 days. To be considered eligible, clients must be actively working with a case manager from Ascencia’s Access Center, pass a drug test, commit to saving/working to increase income and commit to respecting other guests and staff. There are no age limits or other restrictions.
Higher Goals, Inc.
10510 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044
Phone: (323) 755-9702
Offers an emergency shelter with 20 beds and supportive services. 90-Day residency and transitional housing with stays of up to 6 months at multiple sites, job training and employment services.
Centennial Place
235 E Holly St, Pasadena, CA 91101
Phone: (626) 240-4550
A permanent supportive housing facility with 142 single room occupancy (SRO) apartments for very low-income adults. Centennial Place provides on-site case management and supportive services to help residents gain the skills, stability and confidence they need to rebuild their lives and retain permanent housing.
Safe Haven: Cloverfield Services
1751 Cloverfield, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (310) 883-1222
Safe Haven is an interim housing and day program that serves chronically homeless individuals who have had a history of challenges connecting with service providers.
505 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone: (310) 450-4050
SAMOSHEL (SAnta MOnica SHELter) provides interim shelter and a broad range of programs to 70 men and women in separate living quarters. It's also home to OPCC’s Wellness Beds Program that provides nursing services to clients with acute or chronic medical conditions, and it is the site of OPCC's High Need Room for clients with special challenges.
Emmanuel Baptist Rescue Mission
530 East 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (213) 626.4681
A shower facilities and approximately 50 beds, providing a clean, safe haven for those seeking shelter from the elements and street life of downtown Los Angeles.
Union Rescue Mission (URM)
545 S. San Pedro St.,Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 347-6300
URM offers help for single men, single women, single mothers with children, single fathers with children, two-parent families, and even families with teenaged children experiencing homelessness. The first stop is Emergency (Guest) Services to meet someone’s immediate physical needs. Our day rooms provide shelter and rest from the streets. Guests can sign up for beds, eat three meals a day, take showers, get haircuts, pick out fresh clothes, and receive medical care. Counseling from our staff is also available to discuss options regarding our recovery programs or other service providers in the area.
Women (and Children):
Good Shepherd Center
1671 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (213) 235-1460
Good Shepherd Center offers the core programs of shelter, food, case management and employment services, all of which are designed to help guide homeless women.
The Nancy Painter Home
4804 Laurel Cyn. Blvd. #308, Valley Village, CA 91607
Phone: (818) 205-9609
Offer mothers and children a stable home environment for up to two years. Each woman and her children are given a bedroom and bathroom and common area kitchen. Day care is provided to children while mothers work or seek employment.
The Harvest Home
West Los Angeles, California (Call for exact address)
Phone: (310) 452-1223
Serves women, age 18 years and older, that are currently pregnant but less than 32 weeks, with no other children in her physical custody, whom are actively pursuing sobriety, actively freeing themselves from abusive relationships, and proactive in managing their mental health.
Genesis House
11134 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345
Phone: (818) 804-5515
An emergency shelter for single women and children who are transitioning out of homelessness. The purpose is to provide a safe environment in which mothers and their children can be equipped to live self-supporting and healthy lives. The house has rooms for nine families, and is managed 24 hours a day by an on-site House Manager.
Downtown Women’s Center
442 S San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 680-0600
Houses women who have experienced chronic homelessness in our 119 on-site apartments and through our community-based housing program.
Jordan’s Discipleship: Transitional Housing for Women and Children
Compton, CA
Phone: (877) 439-3448
Provides transitional housing for women and children in Compton, California.
Ella’s Foundation Supportive Housing
3006 S. Vermont Ave. #113, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: (323) 761-6415
Ella’s Foundation Supportive Housing provides housing for 18-65 years old. Ella’s Foundation operates two supportive housing locations in Los Angeles and has a 40-bed capacity. Our homes are newly remodeled, four-bedroom duplex units and each house has a total of (8) bedrooms, and (4) baths.
John E. White House of Hope
11134 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345
Phone: (818) 804-5515
Offers space for 12 men to enjoy safe shelter while completing a nine-month recovery program. Its purpose is to equip men with long-term and sustainable recovery solutions.
Family Promise of the Verdugos
Phone: (818) 847-1547
Family Promise provides food, shelter, counseling support and job readiness training resulting in self-reliance and a more stable future for situationally-homeless families. The average length of stay has been between 41-72 days.
Union Station Family Solutions System
1755 E. Huntington Dr. Suite 103, Duarte, CA 91010
Phone: (626) 256-9195
Union Station Homeless Services and partner agencies is the primary point of entry for families who are seeking services. Staff conducts an initial assessment to determine the most appropriate housing intervention for the family. Families are then connected to services and housing options within their own community.
Jordan’s Discipleship: Emergency Shelter for Homeless Families
Compton, CA
Phone: (877) 439-3448
In-Take Assessment provides central intake and assessment of homeless families In Los Angeles County at JDCS, Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, with appropriate referrals to shelters, transitional housing, and homeless prevention and rapid re-housing programs.
Food Banks:
Los Angeles Mission
303 East 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 629-1227
Serves breakfast at 5:30AM. Lunch at 12:30 in English and 1PM in Spanish. Dinner at 7:30PM in English and 8PM in Spanish.
Hope of the Valley
6425 Tyrone Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91401
Phone: (818) 804-5508
Lunch is served Monday through Friday from noon to 1 p.m. Weekend meals are served on most Saturdays. When available, grocery and hygiene giveaways are available after the meal.
St. Lawrence Martyr Church
1900 S. Prospect Ave., Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Phone: (310) 540-0329
People receive a bag of groceries which contains canned and packaged dried goods; the amount provided depends upon donations. Homeless individuals without I.D. will receive a sack lunch.
Faro De Luz
622 Maclay Ave., San Fernando, CA 91340
Phone: (818) 912-3528
Provides a food pantry on Saturday’s from 8:15-9:30 AM.
Clinic/HIV/STD Testing:
Hollywood Sunset Free Clinic
3324 W Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (323) 660-7959
Provides free services. Services include children and adult’s general medical exams, treatments, EKG’s, immunizations, physical exams, family planning services and education, STD screening and treatment, HIV screening, mammograms, cancer screening, and colposcopy.
Los Angeles Free Clinic
8403 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (323) 653-8622
Free health services including checkups, immunizations, flu vaccine, oral exams, pap test, rehab services, HIV test, contraceptive management, emergency services, lead test screening, oral surgery, fluoride treatment, tobacco cessation, sealants, mammograms, hepatitis C test, eye exams, hepatitis B test, and SBIRT.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
1400 S Grand Ave., ste 801, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Phone: (213) 741-9727
Offers free HIV and AIDS screenings.
Domestic Violence Shelters:
Jenesse Center, Inc.
Phone: (323) 299-9496
Provides housing women and children from 30 days up to two years through our emergency and transitional shelters, Jenesse also provides a variety of support services, including mental health counseling, independent life skills classes, computer training, job referrals, after school programs for children, field trips, tutoring and comprehensive, direct legal services.
Phone: (310) 264-6644
Sojourn provides a 24-hour crisis line, a crisis shelter, a children’s program, community education, outreach, and prevention, court advocacy, legal assistance, and support groups. The crisis shelter offers 4-6 weeks of housing, support and case management in a secure location.
The Sunrise Village Emergency Shelter Program
Phone: (818) 242-4155
Provides a 45-day safe-haven for women and their children. Services include meals, housing, counseling and social services; a children’s counseling program, legal advocacy, case management, housing assistance, employment, education, healthcare and childcare.
Haven House
Phone: (323) 681-2626
Provides shelter to battered women and children. Shelter is provided in a private location and services are offered.
Angel Step Inn
Phone: (323) 780-4357
Angel Step Inn is a safe, confidential home for victims of violence, who may or may not have a history of using alcohol and/or drugs. We assist all victims of intimate partner violence regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability, with or without children. The shelter holds approximately 30 people at a time and is staffed 24-hours a day to offer security and comprehensive support services to residents.
New Directions for Veterans
11303 Wilshire Blvd., VA Bldg 116, Los Angeles, CA 90073
Phone: (310) 914-4045
Various Programs:
New Directions Oasis for Veteran Women: Transitional program for female veterans dealing with issues of homelessness, trauma and addiction.
Veteran Opportunity Center (VOC): Houses up to 156 men at a time and is an assessment and transitional housing program for homeless veterans.
Veterans Opportunity Center North: Substance abuse treatment and mental health services in a smaller setting for homeless veterans with addiction and mental health disorders.
Mitchell House Substance Abuse Treatment Veterans
12536 Mitchell Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Phone: (310) 398-0191
The program provides residential treatment for substance abuse for homeless veterans, including those who have dual-diagnosis. Services includes a residential alcohol treatment program and a residential drug abuse treatment program, including a special program for female veterans and the female dependents of male veterans.
Ella’s Foundation Veteran and FSP Housing
3006 S. Vermont Ave. #113, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: (323) 761-6415
Provides individuals with services that include mental health treatment, permanent housing referrals, social security and Medi-Cal benefit assistance, employment and case management services.
St. Joseph Center
204 Hampton Drive, Venice, CA 90291
Phone: (310) 396-6468
Veterans Administration Supportive Housing (VASH) works with the V.A. to provide housing and long-term case management to homeless veterans.
Substance Abuse:
Turning Point
1447 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (310) 450-4050
Turning Point is one of OPCC's interim housing programs and provides 55 men and women with shelter and a full range of services, including case management, mental health care, linkage with medical care, and assistance in increasing income and obtaining permanent housing. Turning Point is also the home of the Wellness Program, which is available to all clients of OPCC and provides a series of groups and workshops designed to enhance life skills and help clients manage substance addiction.
